So, what is this program all about?

Can we all just chill out for a second here? SHEESH….between work, school, family, soccer practice, work, play dates, Twitter, and work–there just doesn’t seem to be any free time anymore!

But today, we’ll let it all hang out with activities like an oh-so-relaxing all-skill levels yoga class, a ridiculous improvised exercise workout, life-sized video games, and giant board games for the whole family.

After, we’ll talk about why we’re all so damn busy and what we can do about it, not just as individuals, but as citizens in our community.

Ways to Get Involved

About Us

Civic Health is a measurement of how well we participate in our community as citizens. Are we engaged in the decision making processes?


Want to see a Warm Cookies program in action? We’ve got a collection of videos to help you learn more about Warm Cookies and entice you to join us!

Upcoming Programs

Come and check out one of our programs live and in-person! We would love to have you. And of course there will be warm cookies and some milk there…and possibly dance breaks.