So, what is this program all about?

The election is over. The work to build and create our hopeful future continues, perhaps with even more clarity…

Tonight, we’re workin (and twerkin’?) for the future with a good old-fashioned dance party with live music from the legendary PINK HAWKS and MILE HIGH SOUL CLUB!!!

FOOD: If you were at our Stompin’ Ground Games in Elyria-Swansea, you tasted delicious food from women entreprenuers in the neighborhood and they will be providing all the goods tonight!

DRINKS: We have our sleuths getting the best local drink-makers to provide your liquid needs for the evening.

ACTION (aside from dancing): We’ll have postcards you can fill out about what YOU commit to doing for our community in the first 100 days of the new administration. We’ll mail them to you in three months to remind you how cool you were on this night.

See you on the dance floor…

The incredible writer, Rebecca Solnit wrote:

“Unpredictability is grounds for hope, though please don’t mistake hope for optimism. Optimism and pessimism are siblings in their certainty. They believe they know what will happen next, with one slight difference: optimists expect everything to turn out nicely without any effort being expended toward that goal. Pessimists assume that we’re doomed and there’s nothing to do about it except try to infect everyone else with despair while there’s still time. Hope, on the other hand, is based on uncertainty, on the much more realistic premise that we don’t know what will happen next….The real territory for hope are the possibilities we possess for acting, changing, mattering.”

Feed hope, my friends. Care for hope. We are what we feed ourselves.

Surround yourselves with folks who can nourish you and your curiosity and hope and wonder, those who will support your ability to resist and be creative.

Compassion and love are invincible.

Now more than ever, we need to continue to create more Warm Cookies of the Revolution.

Ways to Get Involved

About Us

Civic Health is a measurement of how well we participate in our community as citizens. Are we engaged in the decision making processes?


Want to see a Warm Cookies program in action? We’ve got a collection of videos to help you learn more about Warm Cookies and entice you to join us!

Upcoming Programs

Come and check out one of our programs live and in-person! We would love to have you. And of course there will be warm cookies and some milk there…and possibly dance breaks.