12:00 pm — 2:00 pm
McNichols Civic Center Building
McNichols Civic Center Building, 144 West Colfax, Denver, CO, 80202, United States
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Do you follow ALL laws?
Do you break ALL laws?


How do you decide?
Who made the laws?
Who enforces them?

Come break bread with some incredible people while we converse about breaking laws.

Yummy tamales and champurrado provided by our friend and cook Nancy Guzman.

We’re going to have a meal together and consider when and why we obey and resist.
The coolest part is that we know of so many people coming who have life experiences and perspectives that will challenge and inspire on this topic.

And we want YOU too!

More about this program’s history here here.

This program is for everyone: Recovering Catholics, “spiritual but not religious”, Jewish-Buddhists, Agnostic soccer players, Atheist jugglers, Mormon kite-fliers, whatever…We all need to converse about our moral values and what to do about them.

All of our programs are free, with a $5 suggested donation to help with costs.
Childcare and interpretation available if requested
(A few days notice is helpful for planning)

And of course, we have delicious warm cookies:
traditional, vegan, and gluten-free.

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    Will you need childcare for this event?

    No, thank youYes, please     

    If yes, how many children will you need childcare for?   

    Do you need language interpretation?

    No, thank youYes, please   |  

    If not listed, what language would you like interpretation for?

    It is very helpful if requests are made at least a few days before the program. We'll do our best!

    How did you hear about these events?

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    December 16, 2018
    12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
    Event Category:
    Warm Cookies of the Revolution

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