Stupid Questions / Stupid Talents

So, what is this program all about?

“Where does our poop go when we flush?”
“Why are the city streets lined up in the grid system?”
“What is a Sanctuary City?”

Yes, these are the “Stupid” questions—lots of times we think we can’t ask them or we’ll get called an idiot.
Well, not on this night! We say, bring all your Stupid Questions, especially the ones about our civic life! We’ll either answer them collectively, or we’ll find someone who can.

But if that’s not reason enough to spend an evening with us— let’s also see what hidden “stupid” talents our friends and neighbors have. Can you pull a spaghetti noodle through your nose and mouth? Can you flap your ears without using your hands? Can you recite 20 decimals of π?

(And if you can’t, don’t worry—we’ll have someone there for sure who will blow your mind with their skills and talents!)

Ways to Get Involved

About Us

Civic Health is a measurement of how well we participate in our community as citizens. Are we engaged in the decision making processes?


Want to see a Warm Cookies program in action? We’ve got a collection of videos to help you learn more about Warm Cookies and entice you to join us!

Upcoming Programs

Come and check out one of our programs live and in-person! We would love to have you. And of course there will be warm cookies and some milk there…and possibly dance breaks.